Nullary Care, Inc. is 501(c)(3) not-for-profit.
We do business as our two flagship programs, Cyclopedia ( and Cada Paso (

In addition to mailing a check you can donate directly via our paypal or we have set up a brokerage account to receive charitable donations of stock and other equities.
Please contact us for more info.

Donate via paypal using the Donate button or use the QR code below.
You will be able to select the specific program from the paypal page with the donate button.

Email if you’d like more infoI

If you prefer to pay with a check (to avoid fees) you can make it out to Nullary Care, Inc.

and mail it to:
Dr. Geoffrey “Cappy” Collins
Nullary Care, Inc
130 West 30th Street, #12B
NY, NY 10001